“May we remain human.” I’m not worried about the people there; I’m worried about us, what happens to us as Americans when this is over? I’m glad you didn’t stay quiet and that you took the time to mend something and teach something .. that’s all one person can do. There’s no systems level approach to reversing dehumanization

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Thank you. You are right. A friend and I were just remarking on the faith of Palestinian people, how they can say alhamdulillah through all of this.

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YOU SAID IT! I felt very bit of this, especially the parallels with the BLM era, the last time I was so glued to news and social media and so disturbed by the narrative wars, and the utter obliviousness of so many, or even openly supporting what is such a clear evil. With you in prayers and anger and surrealness.

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Thank you! Yes surreal is the word.

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Thank you Ambata. This is beautifully put. I’m sorry you relate so well, and I am mourning with you.

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Thanks for reading!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Ambata Kazi

Thank you for the perspective. I will add that while I am praying for Palestinians I am also praying for Israelis, both of whom suffer dramatically and lead very different lives than we in the west could ever imagine. I pray for peace and love and care. Coexistence between Muslims and Jews. Between Israel and Palestine.

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Thank you. I am praying for everybody as well.

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Thanks for writing this. I felt it deeply. And I completely agree about the algorithm. My Booklandia account is mostly Latine accounts, Spanish-language media, etc and I was a bit shocked to see how different my news feed was. There are some activists who are pro-Palestinian but it’s very different from my personal account.

May we continue to see the humanity in one another and never stop fighting for Justice and the end of oppression. Ameen.

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